#!/bin/bash # info: restart cron service # options: NONE # # The function tells crond service to reread its configuration files. #----------------------------------------------------------# # Variable&Function # #----------------------------------------------------------# # Includes source $VESTA/func/main.sh source $VESTA/conf/vesta.conf PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/root/bin" send_email_report() { email=$(grep CONTACT $VESTA/data/users/admin/user.conf) email=$(echo "$email" | cut -f 2 -d "'") tmpfile=$(mktemp) subj="$(hostname): $CRON_SYSTEM restart failed" service $CRON_SYSTEM configtest >> $tmpfile 2>&1 service $CRON_SYSTEM restart >> $tmpfile 2>&1 cat $tmpfile |$SENDMAIL -s "$subj" $email rm -f $tmpfile } #----------------------------------------------------------# # Action # #----------------------------------------------------------# # Exit if [ "$1" = "no" ]; then exit fi # Schedule restart if [ "$1" = 'scheduled' ]; then echo "$BIN/$SCRIPT now" >> $VESTA/data/queue/restart.pipe exit fi if [ -z "$1" ] && [ "$SCHEDULED_RESTART" = 'yes' ]; then echo "$BIN/$SCRIPT now" >> $VESTA/data/queue/restart.pipe exit fi if [ -z "$CRON_SYSTEM" ] || [ "$CRON_SYSTEM" = 'remote' ]; then exit fi # Restart system service $CRON_SYSTEM reload >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then service $CRON_SYSTEM restart >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then send_email_report check_result $E_RESTART "$CRON_SYSTEM restart failed" fi fi # Update restart queue if [ -e "$VESTA/data/queue/restart.pipe" ]; then sed -i "/$SCRIPT/d" $VESTA/data/queue/restart.pipe fi #----------------------------------------------------------# # Vesta # #----------------------------------------------------------# exit